(鉴于会阴的投影面积实在是太小,我们不妨将目标扩大到整个骨盆,实际分析也以骨盆区域更具有意义)资料来源:米国国防部网站/精确射击经验/“射击的艺术”They’re not all aiming for a headshot.Think about it. Heads are small, and they move around a LOT. They aren’t a reliable target. Instead, snipers usually aim for something they’ll have a better chance of hitting.“If you did miss your target, his first reaction is probably to seek cover,” Rance explained. “So, as a sniper, the reality is you generally have that one chance to put that target down before he skirts away.”Sniper instructors teach their students to aim for two triangular-shaped areas on the body – from the chest to neck, and the hip bones to the pelvis.
精确射手教官们会让他们的学员兵瞄准人体躯干上两个三角形的区域:胸颈三角区与髋骨-骨盆三角区。Christopher Rance是美军狙击手课程前教官、美军狙击手教官队中士,可以在领英上搜索他以获得更多米军狙击手相关资料
One useful method of range finding without a laser rangefinder is comparing the height of the target (or nearby objects) to their size on the mil dot scope, ……average human shoulders are 500 millimeters (20 in) apart and the average distance from a person's pelvis to the top of their head is 1,000 millimeters (39 in).
此外,骨盆区不光是骶椎髋骨耻骨与你的生殖器官,这里还集结了坐骨神经、髂动脉等等重要结构,足以造成对受害者个人的可观伤害,对敌军后勤医疗也是不小的负担(想想S雷为美军带来的麻烦就知道一个伤者对后勤的压力远大于一个死者,更别说死者还不一定够得着KIA了)Detroit Receiving Hospital 和 University Health Center进行的那项对1999年至2008年枪击受害者的调查所能证明的内容很有限,因为是美国国内枪击事件不能代表真实战场情况,当然如果你认为米国龙鸣人均武德充沛拿着制式武器射来射去就当我没说……电影一开始,在摧毁了伤员运送车辆后,两位立陶宛女狙击手是先将这名俄军打胸口射倒在地,而后才射击骨盆区打击俄军士气片尾俄军精确射手反击,请注意,这也是个人泄愤行为。“我头一回命中”